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This was one of the best games I've played on this website. The atmosphere the music it was too good. It started out slow but it picked up real quick and did not let up. Would highly recommend to anyone who loves psychological horror

This game is pretty awesome, I like the story line

I Loved this Game! Im very new at youtube I hope I showed the game off well in my video. Im still learning how to pay attention to the game while recording so I know I missed some things. I loved uncovering the story and the feelings of the MC. Also the interactions with doors/cabinets/toilets feels much better than most games. Going to play that Building 71 Game SOON!! <3 <3 


THAT WAS SO GOOD!!! 10000/10!

spoiler alert (do not read before playing):

here's some theories about what we think what happened to help clear some stuff up.

- the grostoli that the woman (we named her caroline slash karen) was the thing that made the protagonist start to lucinate. it was kind of random for her to give us some food that we don't take any effects from, especially because she literally went inside our house somehow??

- near the end, he winds up in the same place where the man was in the VHS tapes, with the red lines. but how could the man have filmed inside of his mind? as we watch the VHS tapes, it is described to us what happens, and we don't actually see it unfold. this could have just been because not knowing is scarier, or it could have been because it didn't happen physically, but instead inside of the protagonist's mind. the tapes may have just been part of his hallucinations. 

- this might be obvious, but in his hallucinations at the end, jessica his wife told him to "join them." jessica and the baby, as we know, are both dead when the wife bled out in the car. this is implying that in his hallucinations his wife asked him to kill himself. in the bad ending he does and in the good ending he doesn't. 

anyways that was LITERALLY the best horror game i have played. i HIGHLY recommend scary cube's other game the building 71 incident!

the only thing i would say that could be improved is that picking stuff up and opening the boxes and stuff is kind of hard with the scrolling thing, but it's not a big deal. 

once again this game was sooooo good at everything, left room for a lot of food for thought and even with the storyline i would say it's somewhat of a sandbox game. it literally gave us goosebumps it was so good at keeping an eerie atmosphere! 10000000000000/10 would recommend!


hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti 

Отличнейший хоррор, один из лучших в инди сегменте.
Правда не очень удобно, что события развиваются довольно быстро, например, прежде чем успеешь распаковать телефон и позвонить по нему)
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