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That's amazing! Best true-to-the-name psychological horror that I saw since Concluse - great sound design and clever staging of the scenes create the suspense perfectly (and it never goes down till the finale because there are no actual jumpscares which could reduce the tension to zero). The vibes of Silent Hill 2 - and, at the final act, "P.T." and David Lynch's "Eraserhead" - make this experience even more haunting. Enough said, that's simply brilliant! :D

I definitely took some hints from Silent Hill 2 and P.T., though Eraserhead was too much for my head to wrap around lol


This Was Amazing, Wish it Had a Save so i Could Have Went For The Other Ending. GG Tho

Right, a save system would have been useful indeed. Thanks for playing!


This is one of the greatest games I've played in a long time. I loved how the story of grief, loss and guilt was told and the sound design was really awesome.

Haven't seen many horror games that let you decorate a house to give it a more personal touch (felt like I was really moving into that place). Keep up the great work and greetings to Brazil!

Thank you! Will do :D


that is awesome art and style

Hey, thank you!


perfect have an nice day


This game was amazing! I loved the aesthetics, and the story. I got both endings, but only found 4/5 secrets. No idea what I am missing. Its too long to play through a 3rd time, especially with just looking for 1 secret

It was a lot of fun though!

The final secret is definitely hard to find, but it envolves that mysterious empty message you receive

Huh, I'll have to give it another go then, and try to figure it out!


This was really good! Love the story building and overall gameplay, liked how slow paced it was. Made a video on it.


Thank you for playing!


what a great game! one of the best small free horror games out there! super creepy! i also have to say good job on the story telling with the tapes! you can tell there was alot of work put it to writing them ! good job! 

Thank you for your comment and the video :D


Hot damn this was great! This game has inspired me on some level lol

Full Play NO Commentary

I'm glad you liked it!

(1 edit) (+1)

I can tell a lot of love went into this game. Many parts of the game play feels fluid and unobtrusive, they make sense. The horror elements are done very well, and I can empathize with the main character's feelings of loss, grief, guilt. It reminds me of some of my favorite media; Anatomy by Kitty Horrorshow and Skinamarink specifically, and honestly it's completely what I've been looking for in horror over the last few weeks. Something dark that pulses in your veins, dogging each of your actions.

Hey! Both Anatomy and Skinamarink were strong influences, so I'm glad you noticed!

Everything from the audio work, tapes, lighting and general ambiance really scream as homages in their own way while remaining unique. Truly a wonderful experience!


This was such an impressive and terrifying experience (I loved being able to unpack and decorate a bit!!).

During every moment, it's clear a lot of effort went into creating this game and curating its impactful narrative. Thank you for all your hard work!

I'm glad we were finally able to find our windows. c:


I'm glad you enjoyed that gameplay mechanic, and thank you for your kind words!


One of the best indie psychological horror games I've ever played. Honestly,  the production is really top-notch and some of the cinematography work really made it feel like a movie. With some talented voice-actors, I feel like this game could be taken to another level. However, I'm really satisfied with the result and it's a masterpiece of a game. Very well done.

Thank you so much!


Que jogo MARAVILHOSO! Cara, eu só tenho elogios para você e para o seu trabalho. Dá orgulho de ver um produto tão bem feito em um mercado tão carente como o nosso. Quero MUITO ver você envolvido em um projeto comercial maior, com recursos disponíveis para poder usar essa mente criativa abençoada. Me senti dentro de um filme da A24 hahahaha Sério, MUITO BOM!! Parabéns, Scary Box, você entregou ouro aqui!

(Eu não sei se esse jogo se passa mesmo em Mariana/MG, mas falei isso durante toda a gameplay kkkkk o que levantou minha dúvida foi o grostoli da vizinha, porque depois que descobri que no sul eles chamam assim a cueca virada! Por favor, tira essa dúvida da minha mente: esse jogo é ambientado no RS ou em MG??)


What a WONDERFUL game! Dude, I have nothing but praise for you and your work. I'm so proud to see a product so well made in a market as needy as ours. I REALLY want to see you involved in a larger commercial project, with plenty resources to use your blessed creative mind on. I felt like I was in an A24 film hahahaha Seriously, VERY GOOD!! Congratulations, Scary Box, you delivered gold here!


Wow! Vc comentando a A24 já fez meu dia hahahah

A ideia da cidade é pra ser fictícia, mas se passa no RS mesmo. Eu nem sabia que existia uma cidade com esse nome em MG


Great game. You somehow topped your the 71 Incident. Can't wait for more of your work <3 

Thank you!


Really impressive game. ALL ENDINGS HERE.


I will be playing this live 10/6 around 7 PM EST =D


Hey friends! I hope you enjoy the video. I really enjoyed the game! 
(1 edit) (+2)

Loved this game so much!! I was on edge the whole time because I couldn't figure out what was going to happen next lol. Thank you for the experience!


That was the idea hahaha


One of the most impressive indie horror games I've played in awhile. The sense of dread fills you the whole time you are playing. Perfect length at just around an hour or so. And not often talked about, but the sound design also a masterclass. If you've ever lived in a house like that, you'll know all the sounds to expect! 

Hey! I'm glad you liked it

(1 edit) (+1)

As much as it has a lot of horror-"tropes" like the new house, ceiling-flip, mysterious neighbour, tapes etc. i have to say that they are used very well. 

The atmosphere and pacing is great, and it keeps you engaged the whole time, you want to unreval what's happening there. 

Sadly my game crashed when i alt-tabbed out at the third tape, and i haven't gotten myself to restart the whole thing again. But i will definitely in the future. 

It's great and the sudden titular change to the house was great, it immediately felt dreadful :-I

A must-play if you like horror-games.


Thank you! I hope you get to finish it eventually

(2 edits)

I did and it was well worth the replay. One of the best on here, great endings aswell.

My favorite part was feeling so helpless to the black Orb, and appreciated the writing for the tapes, good work!

OOOOH "the building incident" was by you aswell, no wonder this is so great, i loved that one!


This was one of my favorite indie horror games I've ever played. A masterclass in psychological horror. I literally almost cried multiple times. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience!

Oh wow! I'm happy to know how much you enjoyed my game :D


With this release, you have taken your knack for atmospheric horror to the next level. The tension slowly builds and as time progresses, the mood of the house swells from eerie to terrifying. A stunningly beautiful game!

Thank you for the kind words and for your video!


Awesome game. Thanks for entertaining me for a good hour :). First time, I accidentally provided a link to channel somehow! Commentated video below:


great jobs! damn so creepy story.

Thanks! Glad you liked it


Very odd but brilliantly made! The production value was great, I wish it got to the horror quicker, but I have no complaints. Great indie game!

Thank you for playing!


This game is SO MASTERFUL with ambience and tension building! I thought that the story was very well written and done, however, I think that voice actors would have really breathed life into your incredible game! Very well done that MANY people will soon play I'm sure!!

Thank you for playing and for your gameplay video! Also I appreciate the feedback


EVERYTHING A HORROR GAME SHOULD BE!!! one of the best horror games I’ve played on the channel so far! Absolutely incredible I cannot wait to see what else you are going to be creating thank you for this pure art! Let me know what you thought of the video! WARNING you may laugh…😂😁 

Hey! Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much

(1 edit) (+1)

This Game Was a indie masterpiece everything about it was great 

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for playing


wow, awesome game! atmosphere and sounds were spot on!!

Thank you!


Quantos finais posso encontrar no jogo? É um excelente slow burn horror.


São dois finais ao todo


Parabéns pelo jogo.



Parabéns! O ABG jogou o teu jogo e eu achei a atmosfera incrível! :D Muito bem escrito em inglês também.:)


Muito obrigado!


Honestly I don't even know what to say this game is great most of the time nothing happened and I was still scared shitless and I kept waiting for something to jump out at me the atmosphere in this game is great I'll probably just play it again to get another ending I'm looking forward to play some more of your games because I really enjoyed this game

honestly I think this might be the best indie game I've ever played


Thank you so much!


ooooh man. this game was intriguing from the start and only spiraled into an emotionally perplexing story that didn't have to be any more or less than what it was.

one of the best itch games on here. cannot wait to see more projects!


Hey! Thank you for your kind words


Estou aplaudindo de pé, 5 estrelas mais fácil que já dei e um dos melhores jogos do site. Parabéns!


Muito obrigado! Fico feliz que tenha gostado :D


omg i cant wait to play this


I'll be making a video on this game. But I just finished playing it. I do not have words to describe how this game made me feel. seriously.. you may be the best developer on this website. The 71 incident was good.. this was a masterpiece. I'll be donating. Great work


Oh wow! I'm very happy to know how much you enjoyed it!

Hey, what am I supposed to do in this game after I took all the boxes and saw the 3rd tape

unpack, keep returning to basement


I'm just an idiot and I put one box in the wrong place. :D

fair hahaha when the game said "hallway".. i too put the box in the wrong hallway 😅 happens to the best of us haha

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