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[Gameplay en Español]

The game is very well done, the story is very intriguing, I love it!. I have made a gameplay in Spanish of this game :D


Muito bom! Uma experiência única, que consegue deixar você tenso do início ao fim graças a ambientação e efeitos sonoros. Os recortes e recados que você encontra durante o jogo ajudam na imersão. Ainda deixou aquela vontade de quero mais no final. Com certeza merece ser jogado por mais gente. 

That Was Amazing i love It!!!!


This was really good! The tension was well built throughout and although I found the ending a little anti climatic I loved the lore building with the notes. It's the first game I played in my video.


Seriously great work managing to make a game that was full of tension and mystery without relying on jumpscares. Gave me some solid Local58 vibes.


I loved this! The VHS-games are always hit & miss but this one slowly lured me in. I think the atmosphere and pacing were especially fantastic. I wasn’t so sure about the story at the beginning but towards the end it really unfolded in a way that took me in 100%. You had some great visual ideas that worked so well, nothing was silly, everything added to the story and the overall dread. 

I did not know that the building actually exists and only found out through the survey, maybe that’s something you can add to the game because the intro text doesn’t really make it clear that it’s based on a true story. 


I'm glad you liked it! To be honest, I wasn't expecting so many people from outside my university to play the game, so I thought most people would play it knowing about the existence of the building.

Btw, it wasn't based on a true story.

or was it...


You vastly underestimated how good the game looks and how interesting the concept is! Also: I see, the truth is out there :D


OMG what a good game!!! i filled in the forum and my god did i enjoy playing this.


I enjoyed your ggame.The atmosphere was very creepy and I loved the graphical style. Thanks for your effort.

You can watch my playthrough here :)


I love found footage horror movie and games. This one did not disappoint. Very good atmosphere that kept me on the edge of my seat. Keep up the good work! 


meu amigo, que jogo foi esse? muito bom, me arrepiei todo


Congratulations for releasing a amazing horror game, without doubt you showed everyone that ambient is key to a good horror game.

Keep doing this!


Please make more games like this! This was so good, had me scared to turn every corner.
(1 edit) (+1)

Well done, i like it soo much, i had great experience playing it, thank you for making it, here is my full gameplay.

Also i answer the questions that you ask for :)


Very nice game!


Joguei e respondi sua pesquisa :D


Nice, I like the VHS style

Baixei o jogo 3 vezes e não consegui jogar nenhuma. Na primeira e terceira, após a recomendação de jogar no escuro e com fones de ouvido, a gameplay ficou completamente escura, seguida de um crash. Na segunda tentativa, o jogo sequer iniciou, tendo travado na tela inicial.

Seu computador é Windows?


Bem estranho. Procurei se alguém teve o mesmo problema mas até agora ninguém relatou coisa parecida. Nesses casos, é bastante provável que seja algum detalhe no seu computador (talvez driver desatualizado ou coisa do tipo).


Estava vendo um amigo jogar e ele me ajudou, agora consegui iniciar o jogo, vou retirar a avaliação e fazer outra depois.

Tranquilo, agradeço e espero que goste!

Dá para jogar a versão do Windows no Linux. Bem, eu rodei de boa no meu linux.


There were no jumpscare but the atmospehre are scary af

loved it <3


The game's aesthetic is SO nice.

I really liked the VHS filter + the style of the 3D models, everything just fits.

também acho legal ver outros BRs por aqui ;)


The Vibe is unreal .. The danger is all in your head and I love it 😂
(1 edit) (+1)

Parabéns, Bruno Pressanto! Fico ótimo seu projeto, espero ver algumas outras experiências de horror psicológico como essa. Eis meu vídeo comentado(detalhe não gosto de falar em vídeos de jogos):


This game was pretty cool. The only thing I was curious about but didn't test was how to progress. Does the story progress at a certain time on the clock, or based on events? Very fun!


It's a good game. I like video when it came to the 1998's


Every positive about this game has already been commented a numerous amount of times and honestly, I don't know what critique I can add that will be of any value. This is a great success for your Undergraduate work project and only the beginning for many good things to come!

For those reading this, if you've played the game and have a few minutes to spare, help out the developer by completing the questionnaire.
(1 edit) (+1)

I hope that you’re still collecting data for your thesis, because I tried to be as thorough as I could with my observations. I hope this project goes well for you. You show a lot of promise, above and beyond for the average indie game developer.

In summary, I thought that the atmosphere and pacing were absolutely spectacular. I was actually somewhat impressed with the animations, including the head bobbing, since they’re quite above-standard for the indie games that I’ve been playing recently. I found the storyline very believable (when you mentioned that Building 71 is a real place in the questionnaire I actually wondered if it was based on a real event) and I liked the found footage concept where the gameplay cuts out periodically as the protagonist stops filming and goes to hide.

Besides some initial confusion with the tutorial (it’s not immediately obvious that I’m supposed to check the glove box before exiting the car) my one problem was that all of the threatening situations happened in cutscenes, which lowered my level of tension irreversibly by assuring me that any sense that I would be actively participating in a survival situation was just an illusion. I was anticipating having to avoid an in-game threat, but in fact the threat didn’t affect me, just the protagonist. I was not an active participant in any portion of the story which included a real element of danger; I was just watching as they happened.

Minor quibbles aside, I really enjoyed this and I hope that you find success in future endeavors, whether they include further game dev projects or not.


Yes, I'm still collecting data. Thank you very much for your feedback!

You're right about the threats in the cutscenes - I even read a paper while doing my research that said the same thing. Next time, I'll definitely avoid that.


This was a cool experience. I'd love to see this developed into a larger game with a more developed story. I loved the atmosphere of the building, but I was a bit frustrated that the letters on the walls were very difficult to read. I also wasn't too sure about why the video camera kept going static and the story would pick up an hour later. It didn't seem too pertinent to the story, and seemed like an unnecessary interruption. Good work and thank you so much!

Hey, I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for the feedback!


Very nice little experience. Quite atmospheric. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Sul do Brasil? Aí sim, uma game Br de alta qualidade guri!!!!

Hey bro, Congratulations on the game, it's been a while since I've seen a game so well detailed! I thought it was fantastic, I hope it goes viral and explodes for you to make others, or a longer version! CONGRATULATIONS BROTHER


That Game Was awesome Love Your Game Style Keep It Up...


One of the best games I've played on itch. Doesn't need cheap jumpscares, just relies on the setting and the tense music. Perfect!

Made a thing...


achei o jogo um perola escondida dos jogos brasileiros, vou postar um video sobre o jogo, e minhas teorias, gostaria de fazer uma "mini entrevista" pelo twitter com o criador do jogo


What an amazing work, truly creepy and terrifying! The atmosphere and setting was amazing and I loved finding the story on my own. Great work and looking forward to more of your games!

Fala mano, Parabéns pelo jogo, já tinha algum tempo que eu não via um jogo tão bem detalhado! Achei fantástico, tomara que viralize e exploda pra você fazer outros, ou uma versão mais longa! PARABENS MANO


This experience was genuinely terrifying. The VHS aesthetic and unexpectedness of the story was a perfect blend, not to mention the developer doesn't resort to easy jumpscares. Well done, dev! You are a true story teller.


Hello, I played this game and I really enjoyed this, the environment and sound effects were great, took me a while to realize that I can read the notes by zooming in but it was cool, good work :)


Gostei Muito do seu Jogo Parabéns!

Gosto Muito desses Jogos ,Jogos VHS são muito bons!

Muito Bom! :)

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